City People Have All The Fun.
Apparently, there was an earthquake. Not the scary kind of earthquake that sends people running screaming into the streets. Just the kind that makes people look up and say, “Is that an earthquake?” Or in most of my friends’ houses, “Will you kids stop jumping around up there??!!!!” It was the kind of earthquake that […]
What do the City Folk do on Easter Sunday?
Church, perhaps? Maybe brunch? Enjoying that special Peeps cake I made for dessert after stuffing ourselves full of ham? I’m just assuming that’s what they do since that’s what we had planned, too. Until I went to the barn to milk and found a dirty pony rolling on the ground and refusing to eat her […]
Moving Day
I can only guess what other people do on Saturdays. If you live in a suburb, you probably sit by your kitchen window, sipping coffee, and watching what your neighbors are up to. As in, wonder if Rob-next-door will take out that huge pile of trash in the garage or spend the day washing his […]
City Limits
“That’s cool.” Yeah, I know it is. It is a dog shelter built from a broken 8X8 kennel, an eight foot pallet, a four foot pallet, two new roof panels, two old roof panel scraps (not coordinated), some plastic sheeting attached with wire, and everything else held together with baling twine. Very cool. It even […]
A Tale of Two Roosters
What a drag. Sometime while we were running our errands, our rooster, Snowman, ventured over the six foot privacy fence and into the backyard with the dogs. Suffice to say he never made it out again. When I first saw the feathers scattered over the playground, I assumed it was another crazy hen who had […]
King of the Mountain
There are some serious advantages to being a farm kid. I don’t mean cleaning the coop in exchange for 30 minutes on the computer or getting paid 75 cents for every hour spent clearing the winter’s fallen branches out of the woods. No, those are just the part of the everyday benefits. Here we have […]
Show and Tell
There’s not many things a a parent won’t do for a child. Take me and my husband, for example. This week we worked diligently to provide an eight inch square section of a yellow jacket nest for our child to take to Show and Tell on his first day of school. The nest even had […]
Operation AdoptAKeet
I wanted to share a story with you but figured you needed a review of the terms listed below: Woodland Pond Farm Glossary “broody”–physical/emotional state of a hen or duck in which is she is prepared to sit on her eggs until they hatch. Can also include the time during which she is raising her […]