Some times things happen for a reason. Some times someone can cross your path at just the right time. Some times we are given a sudden and unexpected opportunity to save each other. And we take it. When Tina came into our lives, we were at a breaking point. We had recently lost a lot […]
How many pots can a crackpot crock if a crackpot makes crockpot soap?
It was another hot day. Which meant we had to play inside. Again. Although the boys were all up for going to see The Three Stooges at the $3 theatre. Not gonna happen, boys. I can manage a lot of Disney and Pixar. But a remake of The Three Stooges is a flick for The […]
If the kids come down in the morning…
….while you are sipping coffee and watching the morning news, they will want to watch cartoons. When you tell them no and make them watch the news, they’ll see the weather report. If they see the weather is going to be 94 degrees with high humidity, they’ll want to do something inside in the air […]
Well, I’m sure this comes as a big surprise, but the garden chores got away from me a little bit. Not through any fault on my part, of course. Mainly it happened because we have been doing this: Helping to shear Ramses, the UNC mascot.
It is Done.
Today was Papa Pig’s last day with us. Since he began going through 50lb bags of feed every 4 or 5 days, his time with us started coming to a close. According to my sewing tape (and some odd calculations I found on the internet) he measured out at 243.34 lbs a couple weeks ago. […]
Beach Day.
Is there anything better than a day at the beach…. when the water is crystal clear (so you can see the sharks before they see you)….
They’re Here! They’re Here!
Tomatoes and cukes in the garden today! Can I get an “Hallelujah”?
What’s it worth to you?
Everything has a value. Which isn’t necessarily what something costs in the store. After all, the seeds for these newly sprouted annuals and perennials were only $1 per pack. But by the time I used the hoe to remove all the weeds from the new flower bed, Middle carried over buckets of compost to amend […]