Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

Woof, Woof, White Dog.

Woof, woof, white dog, Have you any fur? Yes, ma’am, yes, ma’am, three bags and more.

Sometimes You Just Know.

As soon as you see it.  You know.  And you think to yourself, “That’s it!  That’s for me!” Sometimes you’re looking for it.  And you can’t believe how lucky you are that you found it. Sometimes you’re looking for something else when it just falls into your lap.  And then it goes beyond luck.  It’s […]

It Ain’t Over ‘Til The Fat Lady Sings.

I understand that the stores have you thinking fall has arrived.  That summer is over and, minus the freakishly overzealous celebration of Halloween that will have us making otherwise socially unacceptable things like this, the cold and dearth of winter is on the doorstep.  That the approach of Labor Day signals not just a random […]

Free Range Garden.

I finally did the mowing. In the garden…. ….down by the fruit trees…. ….and up to the perennial beds.

Why Does The Okra Hate Me? (And Other Farm Tales Of Woe)

We are spiraling out of control. The chickens are hatching ducklings.

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