Tina To The Rescue.
We follow old school rules around here. With winter approaching and forage decreasing, anyone who can be eaten or sold will be eaten or sold. OJ went to the flea market. He was a friendly rooster but he enjoyed taking the hens all the way down to the end of the driveway. We have sacrificed […]
Fall Back.
Can we fall back yet? ‘Cause I’ve been leanin’ in until it hurts. First, the summer garden was putting a lot of pressure on the nightly dinner plan. After all, I was running out of menu ideas to use up the eggplant, peppers, and cherry tomatoes that were still coming in.
Makin Bacon.
I have a freezer full of bacon. That I never make. Because who’s going to get burned from grease splatters while cooking the bacon? Me. And who’s going to scrub the grease and bacon bits from the pan used on the stove or the plate used in the microwave? Me. And who’s going to have […]
Piece of Sunday Peace.
I have a lot to tell you. For the past 6 weeks, I haven’t been at a loss for words. Just at a loss for time. But don’t worry. I took lots of pictures and jotted down a bunch of scribbly notes that I will not be able to read or probably even find when […]