Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

Rock Bottom.

Well, the massive forced housecleaning killed a day.  And put an end to the sibling bickering for 8 hours.  Because nothing unites children like a common enemy: Mom.  Which was fine.  Since I ended up with clean windows and sills, sparkling bathrooms, fresh sheets on every bed in the house, and every last picture frame […]


I love the big barn.  Unlike most barns, it originally housed up to 300 ducks at a time.  So it was built with a wooden frame and only enclosed with hardware cloth.  Ducks are messy and smelly and the best way to keep their living conditions sanitary is to allow lots of sunlight and fresh […]

According To Plan.

The Great Backyard Bird Count was a bust.  Sure, the blue jay arrived to hit up the the peanuts. But most of the little birds were absent because a mockingbird arrived, too.  And that mockingbird spent all his time guarding the feeders, swooping on any bird that attempted to get to the seed.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

Well, I’m not really sure. Oh, the usual suspects are here.  Cardinals, sparrows,  juncos, titmouse (Titmouses? Titmice?  Why are tits even involved in this bird’s name?), finches, chickadees, wrens, and mourning doves. We have several types of woodpeckers that visit our area.  We see a giant pileated woodpecker in the woods but never eating birdseed […]


So I was at the local elementary school for Middle’s basketball practice.  When I went to the use the bathroom I discovered that kids are still writing on the bathroom stall doors.  Take that, social media!  The pen is still mightier than the smartphone. But even more enjoyable than the triumph of old school graffiti […]

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