It happened to me.
Posted on | August 17, 2011 | 2 Comments
I don’t know how it happened.
I really don’t.
After all, I’ve never owned a creamer pitcher shaped like a cow.
Or salt and pepper shakers shaped like geese.
I don’t have tissue box covers that look like barns.
Or a milk bucket for an umbrella stand.
My curtains do not have roosters on them.
And the stove does not have burner covers painted with frolicking sheep.
There is not a single tin sign advertising eggs or milk in my house.
I firmly believe you can live on a farm without having to dress up like a farm inside the house. I mean, won’t people know it’s a farm when they have to swerve to avoid chickens in the driveway?
So how could this happen?
I didn’t notice when I found this cute little hen at the GW.
Or when I tucked that sweetie on the shelf above the coat hooks. Along with my favorite pics of the kids and their farm animals.
It never occurred to me when I ordered this funky wallpaper.
Can you see how cute that is? Oh, it warms my heart just looking at it.
You’d think I would have known when I built this nest box to hang over the recycling bins and hold the mail.
But, nope.
Not until a visitor pointed it out did I feel the full impact of what I had done.
When I decorated the hallway from the mudroom to the kitchen, I made a chicken room.
O. M. G.
It finally happened.
Now I am one of them.
So, go ahead.
Send me duck mailbox covers for my birthday. Cows in Santa hats for Christmas. A flock of wooden sheep for the mantle. A goat soap dispenser.
But, be careful when you’re picking out an adorable pig potholder…….
It could happen to you next!

2 Responses to “It happened to me.”
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August 18th, 2011 @ 5:17 am
Please don’t go there. I agree that the animals on the outside are enough. We get it that you have a farm everytime we drive up and get out and a goat greets us!!!
September 19th, 2011 @ 10:09 pm
lol!! I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this.