Happy 4th of July
Posted on | July 5, 2011 | 1 Comment
It’s that time of year again.
If it rolls, bring it on down to the parade…
Even if you have to add the wheels yourself…
Be sure to decorate it…
But you might want to hold off on the grillin’ and the fireworks until after the parade, because the fire department is the star of the show…
and they’d have to drop off Elvis before they could head to a fire at your place.
Yep, it’s the Fourth of July
Where you’re free to swing…
and to spin.
(But by free I mean you are allowed to do it, not that it doesn’t cost an entire paycheck to to ride until you’re ready to puke :))
And the only explosions your kids hear at night, are the ones that leave them begging for more.
God Bless America.
One Response to “Happy 4th of July”
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July 6th, 2011 @ 4:30 am
Love it! We have a similar parade in our town. No Elvis. But we did have the librarians pushing book carts. No politicians allowed in our parade. That’s the best.