The Good Thing About Pigs….
Posted on | December 8, 2013 | No Comments
….is that even 11 days after Thanksgiving.
Long after Timmy, our Elf on the Shelf, has appeared….
and the onset of December’s freezing rain has forced me to pull out the winter clothes and put away the summer outfits.
When we can’t avoid getting out this stuff any more….
and The Other Half has been sent on an emergency run to Office Max because we will not be able to live past this month unless we have another calendar to overschedule our lives. I can’t scream at my family members, “IF YOU DIDN’T PUT IT ON THE CALENDAR, IT’S NOT MY PROBLEM!!!!” unless there is actually a current calendar. Well, I could but there would be even more resentment than usual around here. (Also, they let those punks out of school for teacher workdays even if you don’t write them on the calendar. I know this for a fact. So you might as well be prepared.)
After the final exam is finished and I can start forgetting what I just learned.
When Little is too exhausted from sleepovers and birthday cakes and turning 9 years old to do more than pass out on the couch.
(Which kind of reminds me of when he was a brand new Little:)
(Or a 2 year old Little:)
(Which makes me laugh because then it reminds me of when he was a 7 year old Little):
Even after all of that has happened. Plus, even when the best parts are gone. And no one can stand the sight of it. When all that is left is the grizzle and the grease….
Still, the pigs are willing to eat the rest of the Thanksgiving turkey.
Yep. That’s the good thing about pigs.
Great job, pigs!
And Happy Birthday, Little!
Wishing you many more years of Thanksgiving leftovers!
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