Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

Not So Spring Break.

The natives are restless.  Officially they are on spring break.  But it is not exactly the laying-on-the-beach, pier fishing, and soft ice cream cone break they were dreaming of.  Not even close. The Other Half, my father, and Middle have been determinedly working to complete the water line trench to the garden.

A Farm Day To Remember.

It started out in the usual way.


Don’t be fooled.  Farming is not as scientific as it is intuitive.  It takes sensitivity.  Attentiveness.  A discerning eye.  Not just everyone has this ability.  Take weeding the garden, for example.  Some people will say that weeding should be done a little bit every day.  At least every week.  I don’t know about you, but […]

Guineas Gone Wild.

**Note from the author:  OK, so I forgot to post Part 2 and Part 3 of  my article for Farm To Table.  There have been some complaints whining questions from people who want to know how it all ended.  So I am posting the article in its entirety below.  Please be aware that this article […]

“My goat is down and he can’t get up”….and other interesting excuses.

“Hi, um, I won’t be there for Girl Scout cookie pick-up.  My goat is down and he can’t get up.  I’ll call you later.” If you know me, then you’ve heard these sort of excuses. You may even have been talking to me on the phone when I screamed “Big, get the hoe!” and then […]


There’s no remedy for stupid.  You can’t change it, you just have to work around it.  If you’re lucky you will have one smarty pants in the flock that all the numbnuts will follow.  If you’re unlucky you will have one numbnuts and all the smarty pants will be blinded by his charisma and will […]

Operation AdoptAKeet

I wanted to share a story with you but figured you needed a review of the terms listed below: Woodland Pond Farm Glossary “broody”–physical/emotional state of a hen or duck in which is she is prepared to sit on her eggs until they hatch.  Can also include the time during which she is raising her […]

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