Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

The Best Laid Plans.

Just what I (never) expected.  I couldn’t help but notice there was a disparity between the tomato transplants in the greenhouse.  The seedlings transplanted into straw bales had the benefit of the decomposing straw to warm their roots, provide nutrients, and provide consistent moisture.  The seedlings transplanted into plastic pots just had potting soil and […]

O, Farmer, Wherefore Art Thou?

It’s me, the garden. I’m just wondering where you are.  Because I haven’t seen you in a while.  And there’s trouble down here.

A Year in the Life of Tomatoes

December–This is the month for flipping through seed catalogs and choosing from incredible tomato varieties like Green Zebra and Cherokee Purple.  No store bought tomato plants for me.  The neighbors will be in awe and the children filled with wonder by our unique and amazing tomatoes.  Imagine the sweet, juicy taste of a tomato, fresh […]

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