Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

A Farm Day To Remember.

It started out in the usual way.


Don’t be fooled.  Farming is not as scientific as it is intuitive.  It takes sensitivity.  Attentiveness.  A discerning eye.  Not just everyone has this ability.  Take weeding the garden, for example.  Some people will say that weeding should be done a little bit every day.  At least every week.  I don’t know about you, but […]

Preservation Society

There’s a lot of beauty in the wilderness.  But when the pasture along the farm drive starts to look like this…

O, Farmer, Wherefore Art Thou?

It’s me, the garden. I’m just wondering where you are.  Because I haven’t seen you in a while.  And there’s trouble down here.

Me and the Little Red Hen

Apparently Mother Nature doesn’t know that the summer solstice is on June 21st.  Like everyone else, she assumed that summer started on Memorial Day.  So she sent us a week of heat, humidity and thunderstorms.  Which is fine with me since I had just planted some seeds and didn’t have to worry about keeping the […]

What was I thinking?

There’s no good excuse.  I guess I just got carried away.  Because the summer garden was finally planted (except for the root crops which prefer a 3rd quarter moon).  The raised beds in the side pasture were filled with compost in preparation for the vine crops (2nd quarter moon in Scorpio).  The chicken accessories were […]

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