No Charge for Cuts
This story begins with a tarp. Specifically, a tarp on a chicken coop. Not exactly glamorous, but stay with me. Now if you’ve worked with tarps (and if you own a farm or have a spouse who drives a pick up truck and wears work boots even in the summertime then I know you have!) […]
“My goat is down and he can’t get up”….and other interesting excuses.
“Hi, um, I won’t be there for Girl Scout cookie pick-up. My goat is down and he can’t get up. I’ll call you later.” If you know me, then you’ve heard these sort of excuses. You may even have been talking to me on the phone when I screamed “Big, get the hoe!” and then […]
It finally happened. Today I opened the barn door to the sound of peeps and chirps. There was Grey Girl, huddled over two freshly hatched chicks, a bright yellow and a mixed tan. Huh. Back in December, Grey Girl decided she had to have some babies. She chose a corner of the goat barn and […]
Primordial Ooze
Snow is a fleeting beauty. Tree limbs iced with fluff. Pristine stretches of white in the meadow. Delicate flakes against the windowpane. Intricate ice designs on the pond. But then they cancel school. Sigh. And the hose to the automatic waterer in the barn freezes. Sigh. And the chickens refuse to come out of the […]
In Memory of Hannah Nov 1997-Feb 2010
There isn’t much that stops me in my tracks. I have too many things on my to-do list and too many mouths begging for food, attention, and more TV time. So, when a dog gets old, I just start feeding her in the house, let her sleep upstairs away from the kids and daily commotion, […]