Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.


“You will never stub your toe standing still. The faster you go, the more chance there is of stubbing your toe, but the more chance you have of getting somewhere.” Charles F. Kettering I like this quote.  Because I can relate to a stubbed toe.  A lot of quotes are a little too lofty for […]

How (Not) to Deliver a Baby Goat Properly.

1.  Disregard your training.  Just because every goat owner you know will assist a birth if the doe doesn’t deliver within an hour of serious labor, doesn’t mean that you should.  Wait.  Wait some more.  Feel free to sit with your goat when she starts pushing at 8pm, let her push until 11pm, fall asleep […]

A Milk Machine.

Despite her impressive lineage and a beautiful udder, Magenta is not producing much milk.  I was a bit concerned when I saw her kicking her babies away whenever they tried to nurse.  I was really concerned when the kids started suckling any part of exposed human skin when we went into the kidding barn to […]

A Farm Girl.

Some people are born to farm.  Some people are born on a farm.  Every once in a while, the stars line up, the Fates smile down, God snaps His fingers, and a child who is born to farm is born on a farm.  And you get this: Pretty

Who needs Six Flags?

Apparently people pay a lot of money for ups and downs.  I mean, a lot of money.  Like $25 a ticket to ride the roller coaster again and again.  And again. I can imagine what that roller coaster feels like.  I can almost hear the click-clack-clicking of the coaster inching up the track when one […]

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