Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

About Us

4 acres of a menagerie and their mishaps.  We’re a working farm, which means we work hard but rarely make money at it.  All our animals have a purpose–ducks for meat, hens for eggs, goats for milk, guardian dogs for herd protection, blind lamb for…., um, miniature pony that’s too small to ride but cute to look at for…, huh.  Well, purpose in life is overrated.  We do eat what we grow in our garden even if we only pretend to like the Swiss Chard.  And we’ve been known to butcher livestock ourselves.  (Although we’ll never post pictures of it on Facebook again.  Jeez.)  So, you can learn a bit from us about homesteading.  Or at least learn what not to do.  Sometimes you just have to laugh at ruffled feathers and spilled milk.  Even if you cry at first.  Or cuss a little bit, too.   Hey, we like to be well-rounded.

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