Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

The Best Laid Plans.

Just what I (never) expected.  I couldn’t help but notice there was a disparity between the tomato transplants in the greenhouse.  The seedlings transplanted into straw bales had the benefit of the decomposing straw to warm their roots, provide nutrients, and provide consistent moisture.  The seedlings transplanted into plastic pots just had potting soil and […]

Drunken gardening.

I still remember the day we we started.  I remember because my camera dates the pictures when I download them to the laptop.  Which is a very handy feature.  I think I may start taking pictures of the does and bucks when they are managing their personal business.  Sure would help with kidding season.  Although […]

Hardening Off

Hardening off is a transitional period during which one accustoms seedlings started indoors to the natural environmental conditions outdoors, in preparation for transplanting.  It’s a delicate process requiring patience and diligence to prevent shock or stress to the seedlings.  Or so I hear. I’m not exactly sure how hardening off works because patience and diligence […]

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