Fine Already.
Some of us do not go gentle into that good night. The winter night. I, for one, do not appreciate the approach of winter. I prefer to do the morning milking in my pajamas. I like sunlight when I wake up and long slow sunsets while still working in the garden. My wide-enough hips are […]
Giving Thanks.
Let us give thanks…. for the families that we were born into and the families that we chose.
Election Results.
I’m not sure what everyone is so upset about. Because no matter who you voted for, there are lots of benefits when the elections are finally over. All those elections signs make for excellent free targets.
A Tale of Two Cities (Plus the Country).
Sometimes the party never ends. Or at least it doesn’t end until the kids are so exhausted that they put themselves to bed and the adults are too exhausted to care if the kids brushed their teeth or not. As a matter of fact, the adults are so tired that they just open a new […]
Well, there has been a lot of learning going on over here. I took a basic knitting class where I learned, um, the basics. I made a visit to a knitting friend when I dropped a stitch. She showed me how to fix the dropped stitch and lots of other tricks that I barely understood […]