River Rising
Right after the state officially declared us in a drought, we received a whopping 3 inches of rain overnight. The thunder rolled, the lightning flashed, and all that beautiful rain rushed into the creeks and rivers, carrying 1/3 of our raised vegetable beds with it. Leaving primarily only the unweeded parts of the rows behind. […]
Farm Visit
The best thing about being a farmer is having friends that are farmers, too. Because every farm is different. So just when it becomes unbearably boring to stroll through your barnyard or wander through your garden, you can head off to your friend’s place. Where the goat kids come with floppy ears and legs long […]
The Summer Solstice.
You won’t look back and laugh at everything. Which is why you haven’t heard about how we lost Applejacks and Ray-Ray last summer. There wasn’t anything funny about how we found Applejacks lying still in the woods. Or how we held Ray-Ray through the night and hoped that at least he would survive the colic […]
Do NOT go there.
It doesn’t matter if you need the sprayer to hit the cucumbers with a squirt of fish emulsion.