Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.


“You will never stub your toe standing still. The faster you go, the more chance there is of stubbing your toe, but the more chance you have of getting somewhere.” Charles F. Kettering I like this quote.  Because I can relate to a stubbed toe.  A lot of quotes are a little too lofty for […]

I just remembered.

My last post might have left the impression that I have gotten lazy.  In honor of the many hard working farmers and parents in my community I figured I should correct that idea.  So I sat in the window seat, watching the birds at the birdfeeder, soaking in some warm sunlight, sipping a hot chocolate, […]

Kids at Play.

Silly baby goats, slides and wagons are for… …oh yeah,….kids. Well, then.  Enjoy!

Farm Visit

The best thing about being a farmer is having friends that are farmers, too.  Because every farm is different.  So just when it becomes unbearably boring to stroll through your barnyard or wander through your garden,  you can head off to your friend’s place. Where the goat kids come with floppy ears and legs long […]

A Milk Machine.

Despite her impressive lineage and a beautiful udder, Magenta is not producing much milk.  I was a bit concerned when I saw her kicking her babies away whenever they tried to nurse.  I was really concerned when the kids started suckling any part of exposed human skin when we went into the kidding barn to […]

A Royal Decree.

Hear ye, hear ye! The Royal couple, Queen Brianna and King Merlin, are proud to announce the Princess Magenta has given birth!

Internet Safety

Apparently there are signs that your kids are spending too much time on the computer.  There are ways to know if they are too involved in social networking sites.  Methods of stopping them from sexting.  Means of protecting them from cyberbullying.  I don’t know about any of those things. I do know that there are […]

I wish I was cleaning the chicken coop.

That’s what I planned to do today.  But I’m not going to get to it.  Because it’s raining.  And it’s only 49 degrees outside.  And when the kids left for school they were shivering and their pants were 4 inches above their ankles.  Which can mean only one thing.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

It was too quiet.  Way too quiet for 4 kids that were home from school early and went upstairs over an hour ago.  Does anyone else find it odd that the term for a half day of public school is called an “early release” day?  Isn’t “early release” the same term the Department of Corrections […]

Farm Furrows

It’s a wobbly walk from the end of the garden to the mailbox.  Underneath what looks like a smooth stretch of grass (OK, what we call grass–the green weedy stuff interspersed with yellow flowers that covers dirt in the summer time) are the old hills and valleys of someone’s farm field.  You can’t see these […]

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