Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

The High Price of Milk.

Last year my haphazard breeding program led to goat kids being born in March, May, and July.  Also to having to guess by color which buck sired which kid.  Or determining if kids were old enough to be weaned or ready for their first round of CD&T by whether or not Pretty wrote about their […]


Don’t be fooled.  Farming is not as scientific as it is intuitive.  It takes sensitivity.  Attentiveness.  A discerning eye.  Not just everyone has this ability.  Take weeding the garden, for example.  Some people will say that weeding should be done a little bit every day.  At least every week.  I don’t know about you, but […]

Kids at Play.

Silly baby goats, slides and wagons are for… …oh yeah,….kids. Well, then.  Enjoy!

Preservation Society

There’s a lot of beauty in the wilderness.  But when the pasture along the farm drive starts to look like this…

Farm Visit

The best thing about being a farmer is having friends that are farmers, too.  Because every farm is different.  So just when it becomes unbearably boring to stroll through your barnyard or wander through your garden,  you can head off to your friend’s place. Where the goat kids come with floppy ears and legs long […]

The Secret.

The milk fridge is full.  And the girls keep right on givin’.  Which is because, unlike a lot of farms, we have some goats who kid in the spring and some that kid in the fall.  So we have sweet, fresh milk even through the dark winter months when a lot of herds are dried […]

I win! (today)

Round bales of hay are very convenient.  And wasteful.  Perhaps they are fine for cows and horses.  But goats tear huge long strips off the roll.  They eat two mouthfuls of the strip and then trample the rest of it around the barn.  So eventually I have to haul away huge loads of nasty hay […]

Cute is Overrated.

I canceled the spring farm tour.  Not because I wanted to cancel it.  I know opening the farm for tours is a great way to make friends out of the neighbors and win new customers.  But the animals won’t cooperate.  Everyone wants to see cute cuddly chicks and cute fluffy ducklings and cute playful goat […]

Udderly Waiting

Waiting for the goat kids to be born next month is starting to bother me.  Even worse it’s starting to bother the goats.  Not the waiting part.  Just the part where I’m always following them around trying to check out their nether regions.  Why is it that when you want a goat to look you […]

Moving Day

I can only guess what other people do on Saturdays. If you live in a suburb, you probably sit by your kitchen window, sipping coffee, and watching what your neighbors are up to.  As in, wonder if Rob-next-door will take out that huge pile of trash in the garage or spend the day washing his […]

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