Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

Moving Day

I can only guess what other people do on Saturdays. If you live in a suburb, you probably sit by your kitchen window, sipping coffee, and watching what your neighbors are up to.  As in, wonder if Rob-next-door will take out that huge pile of trash in the garage or spend the day washing his […]


There’s no remedy for stupid.  You can’t change it, you just have to work around it.  If you’re lucky you will have one smarty pants in the flock that all the numbnuts will follow.  If you’re unlucky you will have one numbnuts and all the smarty pants will be blinded by his charisma and will […]

Goats in the Toolbox

It isn’t hard to convert a duck barn into something more useful.  My husband and I looked it over and decided that with a bit of tweaking the barn would hold our expanding goat population quite nicely.  Out with the nest boxes, some side boards over the wire, a couple new doors, raise the water […]

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