Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

No Charge for Cuts

This story begins with a tarp.  Specifically, a tarp on a chicken coop.  Not exactly glamorous, but stay with me.  Now if you’ve worked with tarps (and if you own a farm or have a spouse who drives a pick up truck and wears work boots even in the summertime then I know you have!) […]

“My goat is down and he can’t get up”….and other interesting excuses.

“Hi, um, I won’t be there for Girl Scout cookie pick-up.  My goat is down and he can’t get up.  I’ll call you later.” If you know me, then you’ve heard these sort of excuses. You may even have been talking to me on the phone when I screamed “Big, get the hoe!” and then […]

A Tale of Two Roosters

What a drag.  Sometime while we were running our errands, our rooster, Snowman,  ventured over the six foot privacy fence and into the backyard with the dogs.  Suffice to say he never made it out again.  When I first saw the feathers scattered over the playground, I assumed it was another crazy hen who had […]

Backyard Chickens

So, you wanna raise chickens?  Sure, everybody’s doing it.   The people have spoken, the city leaders have relented, let there be backyard chickens!   I applaud the efforts of this uprising and, in appreciation, offer some of the tidbits I have learned during my years with chickens.   Gather ’round and listen close.  You […]

Operation AdoptAKeet

I wanted to share a story with you but figured you needed a review of the terms listed below: Woodland Pond Farm Glossary “broody”–physical/emotional state of a hen or duck in which is she is prepared to sit on her eggs until they hatch.  Can also include the time during which she is raising her […]

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