Love is….
Posted on | July 9, 2014 | 2 Comments
….the summer garden.
This post designed to make gardening look so awesome that you, too, join those of us who spend our free time weeding, watering, hauling compost to melons, staking (and restaking) tomatoes, spreading straw over potatoes, onions, and carrots, trellising cucumbers and beans, pruning herbs, mowing or mulching between the garden rows, and, of course, harvesting. Any time spent inside the air conditioning is for hopelessly scrubbing at the dirt embedded under your fingernails and in the crevices of your cracked gardener hands, plotting against squash bugs, and planning the fall garden.
And, of course, arranging the harvest into impressive, delectable food art to inspire future gardeners. Because misery loves company it’s all worth it in the end.
Step away from the pool, people.
Come on into the garden. It’s sweltering buggy lovely in here.
Plus, that leaves an empty lounge chair by your pool for me. As soon as I finishing putting in the pumpkin beds….
2 Responses to “Love is….”
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July 10th, 2014 @ 4:50 am
Your harvest arrangement looks lovely.
July 10th, 2014 @ 6:53 am
Better yet — just come to the pool with me and that chlorine will soak that dirt right out of your nails 🙂