Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

Spring showers.

Posted on | March 28, 2011 | 1 Comment

The spring garden hasn’t been planted yet.  Even though the spring solstice has come and gone.

The chicken wire hasn’t been pulled up from the backside of the pond yet.  Even though the sunshine and spring rain has brought a flush of new growth in the brambles and sawgrass on the dam.

The post holes for the buck pen haven’t been placed yet.  Even though the 80 degree days mean mosquitos, gnats, ticks, and bees are out in full force. Which makes anyone digging holes in the leaf debris a living, breathing advertisement for Calamine lotion.

Why didn’t I get these chores done yet?  Now it will be too hot for a good crop of snap peas.  Now I will be forced to wade through overgrown brush and weeds just to get to the backside of the pond.  Now I will be dripping sweat and swatting insects as I work.

Where did the winter go?

Oh, wait.  There it is.

Sleet on the deck this morning.

Snow on the dogwood blossoms.

Ice on the pansies.

Whew!  There’s still time……


One Response to “Spring showers.”

  1. Jill
    March 29th, 2011 @ 3:17 am


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