Ruffled Feathers and Spilled Milk

Farming with ducks and dairy goats, chickens and children.

My People Are Everywhere.

Posted on | February 3, 2013 | 5 Comments

Had to leave a family member in the hospital overnight for observation.  Everything should be OK but the doctors wanted to be sure.  As we headed upstairs from the emergency room, I scrutinized the floor we were assigned.  No nurses were running around frantic and overwhelmed, no patients were stumbling around the halls desperately searching for a glass of water or a blanket.

When we got our room, I watched the nurse carefully.  She seemed friendly and competent.  She listened politely while we explained we had missed dinner while in the ER and asked if a tray could be sent up, even though it was 10pm.  She nodded and then went through her paperwork.  I waited and listened to her gathering history as I pretended to read my book.  I was surprised when she asked about unusual bruises or scratches.

I looked up and commented, “We have a farm.  Sometime we have bruises and scratches we don’t even notice for days and can’t remember where we got them.  Why?”

She replied that the hospital takes note of large bruises, scratches, or other injuries that a patient arrives with so that a patient can’t claim later that it happened while in the hospital.  I was digesting this information, wondering when we became such a ridiculously litigious society, when she spoke again.

“Did you say you farmed?  Do you need any roosters?  A bunch of our chicks turned out to be roosters and I’ve got to give those guys away or butcher them.  They’re fighting terribly.”

I laughed out loud, thinking of our roosters that were safely crated already and waiting to be butchered after church.

“Nope.  We’re full up on roosters.”  I said.

Then the meal tray arrived.  And I picked up my book, gave a kiss tonight, and headed home to get to some sleep before coming back to talk to the doctor in the morning.  I knew we were in good hands.

Because my people are everywhere.

Everywhere, I tell ya.

Thank goodness.


5 Responses to “My People Are Everywhere.”

  1. Courtney
    February 3rd, 2013 @ 7:18 am

    Let Nils and me know if there is absolutely anything we can do to help you. I know how exhausting it can be going back and forth to the hospital along with all the other added stress that comes along with that. Take care and keep us posted. Love, Nils and Courtney

  2. Lin
    February 3rd, 2013 @ 10:28 am

    Oh, I hope whoever is in the hospital is better soon. 🙁

    They ask all sorts of odd questions at the hospital now. My daughter broke her ankle falling down the stairs at school. The ER nurse asked her if she ever felt sad or if she felt like hurting herself. My cousin said they ask the same questions at her OB visits–and even go so far as to ask if she feels save in her home or threatened by her partner.

    Such a weird world we live in.

    I’m glad you got a good nurse. These days they are so overworked and understaffed. I hope the night nurses were as good.

  3. Sandy Livesay
    February 3rd, 2013 @ 1:10 pm

    I will keep your family in my prayers in hopes that everything is fine.

    It’s a good thing to have a doctor willing to make sure everything is okay, even if it requires a night at the hospital.

  4. carolyn christman
    February 4th, 2013 @ 3:15 pm

    I’d say, yes, that ‘Our’ people are everywhere — completely true. many years ago was going under anesthesia for a minor test and got to talking with the nurse about either cantaloupes or figs and found a kindred spirit. Hope all is well & soon

  5. Allison
    February 5th, 2013 @ 11:00 am

    Hi there, stopping by from Pennsylvania. I said a prayer for you and your family. Hospitals are very draining I know. How nice to find someone to relate with. HAve a blessed day!

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